The Medical Practice of Dr. David B. Wheat, MD
Clinton Family Care - 601.924.1877
- Physicals
- DOT Physicals
- Sports/school physicals
- Flight physicals
- Vaccinations
- Lab
- X-rays
- Spirometry
- Vision screening
- Pulmonary function studies
- Allergy shots
- Holter monitors
- Drug screens
- Urinalysis
- Pregnancy testing
- Pap smears
- Belly-button, ear piercing
- Mole and skin tag removal
- Wart freezing
- Medical services for sickness and injury
New Patient:
If you are a new patient, please print and fill out the following forms when you come in for your first visit. To arrange for an appointment, call during office hours.
Medical History – we will take at the visit
Policies and consent
Medication Refill
Please do not wait until you are out of your medication to call for a refill. Please arrange for a refill at least a week before you run out. Some refill medications require lab work or a check-up before they can be refilled.
If you are coming to the office for a vaccination, please print and fill out the appropriate form and bring it with you:
Influenza Vaccination and Information
Pneumonia Vaccination Consent
Office Hours
Mon., Tues., Wed. & *Fri.
8:00am - 11:30am &
1:00pm - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Saturday & Sunday Closed
*Appointment availability/hours on Friday’s may change depending upon patient load.
Please call early on Friday
if you need to schedule.
Office Location
309-A Morrison Drive
Clinton, Mississippi 39056